What Internet sites did your childs access yesterday?
How much do you know about what your kids do on the Internet?
What safety setting do you have set on your computer and what setting does your child set on any social networking websites or chat rooms she uses?
Most parents want to protect their children and keep them from harm.If your child was going out on her own you would want to know where he was going and who he was going to be with. Why then do many parents not take the same care about knowing who their child is associating with on the Internet?
How much danger could your child be in when she uses chat rooms and social networking sites? What are the chances of your child being unsafe while accessing the Internet?
Thousands of youngsters today will be placing themselves in position where they could be at risk while using the Internet, how likely is that your child is one of these?
Be responsible for keeping your child safe and don't negate your responsibility.I was watching a television program this evening that demonstrated how much information an online predator could learn about a youngster just by persuading her to add them to their list of friends on a social networking site. He learnt about what she was doing on a daily basis and included bits of this information when he contacted her. It was really easy because she didn't have the privacy setting set on the social networking site she used. The predator learnt about her friends, school and other personal details by not only looking at her profile and chats but by looking at what her friends said also. When she went on a visit to a museum with her school he followed and approached her. It was amazing how much he learnt about her this way.
In the UK police receive 400-500 official reports a month from children and parents concerned about online abuse and the number is increasing.The police say "awareness is of critical importance". So be aware as to what your young person is doing on the Internet and who he's exchanging information with and who's contacting him.There is software you can use to monitor what your child is doing when he's on the Internet.
How much do you know about what your kids do on the Internet?
What safety setting do you have set on your computer and what setting does your child set on any social networking websites or chat rooms she uses?
Most parents want to protect their children and keep them from harm.If your child was going out on her own you would want to know where he was going and who he was going to be with. Why then do many parents not take the same care about knowing who their child is associating with on the Internet?
How much danger could your child be in when she uses chat rooms and social networking sites? What are the chances of your child being unsafe while accessing the Internet?
Thousands of youngsters today will be placing themselves in position where they could be at risk while using the Internet, how likely is that your child is one of these?
Be responsible for keeping your child safe and don't negate your responsibility.I was watching a television program this evening that demonstrated how much information an online predator could learn about a youngster just by persuading her to add them to their list of friends on a social networking site. He learnt about what she was doing on a daily basis and included bits of this information when he contacted her. It was really easy because she didn't have the privacy setting set on the social networking site she used. The predator learnt about her friends, school and other personal details by not only looking at her profile and chats but by looking at what her friends said also. When she went on a visit to a museum with her school he followed and approached her. It was amazing how much he learnt about her this way.
In the UK police receive 400-500 official reports a month from children and parents concerned about online abuse and the number is increasing.The police say "awareness is of critical importance". So be aware as to what your young person is doing on the Internet and who he's exchanging information with and who's contacting him.There is software you can use to monitor what your child is doing when he's on the Internet.