Monday, May 9, 2011

Web Monitoring Software for Kids

The Internet is a huge medium, and all kinds of information (both good and not so desirable) can be found just by making a simple search. Some parents are fearful of letting their children spend time on the Internet because of the kind of information that they may come across.This is unfortunate because the Internet offers a wealth of good information - if you know where to look. The goal is not to avoid the use of the Internet. Instead, the advantages of the internet innovations should be accepted by schools and by parents. It's just part of society communication evolution. The challenge has become to manage internet usage by web monitoring.In other words, use technology to help your children embrace the Internet. More savvy parents have learned that by using web monitoring software, they are able to monitor the web activities of their children. This is a practical solution because no parent can ever spend all the time watching over what their kids are doing on the Internet.

If you find anything suspicious from the chat logs, you can immediately take action and block the application or simply remove the application.As for websites, you can setup keyword alerts so that the monitoring software blocks the sites before your children have a chance to surf them. If there are specific websites that you would like to block, simply enter the URLs into the software and the sites will be inaccessible. For instance, you may find that your child is spending too much time on an online game, and you want to block the site. Just enter the URL into the software, and the site is blocked. You can always remove the URL during the school holidays (or after exams) so that your children can enjoy the game again.

Email is another area that parents should monitor. Children are getting more and more savvy these days and they tend to send emails to friends on a daily basis. Sometimes, they even reply to emails that are from complete strangers! This is where the danger lies.Using the web monitoring software, you can easily track these activities from any computer. Simply select the appropriate tab - Instant messenger, email, chat, websites and you can immediately access the relevant information.


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