Friday, November 25, 2011

Children Internet Safety Software - How to Keep Up With What Your Kids Are Doing Online

Are you trying to find children internet safety software?

In this post we are going to talk to you about how to keep up with what your kids are doing online.

There are many parents that are considering buying children internet safety software. They may have seen a spot on the news about this software; maybe some of the parents have seen ads on the internet. Not all software is created equal so it's wise to find some that is going to give you the option to get a free trial before you have to put out any money. Let's now go on to talk more about how to keep up with what your kids are doing online.

Talk To Your Kids

Talking to your kids is one of those things that you should do every day. Even when your kids get to be teens it's really important to talk to them and let them know how much you care about them. When you have a good relationship with your kids and talk to them regularly you will notice that you will be able to get them to open up and tell you the truth more often than not.

Check Internet History

Checking the browser's internet history is a good idea. If your child hasn't figured out how to delete the history you can find out where they have gone on the internet for whatever amount of time you have it set for. It can usually keep it for up to a week.

Look At Cookies

Going another step further is to check the cookies on your computer. This is a little harder to find and delete than the browser's internet history but if your kids know much about computers they can get those cookies deleted as well.

Software That Logs Keys

Keylogging software is the best line of defense when you want to protect your kids. This software can run without being detected even by the most savvy users and you can even have the information emailed to you or posted on another website so you do not have to get on that computer and check the log.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Internet Safety

From time to time people ask me "Why is Internet safety important?" "Why should I worry about it? I've got nothing to hide." If you're not thinking that Internet safety is important, then you're making a mistake.

Now the Internet is a wonderful thing, and I use it constantly every day without fear, but that doesn't mean I use it heedlessly and without thinking about Internet safety.When you're on the Web, you should think of it kind of like walking down the street -- if you live in a small town you probably don't think much about walking around downtown, and you probably feel pretty safe.

And even if you live in a big city, you may feel pretty comfortable, too, since you know your way around and you know how to handle yourself.But on the other hand, how would you feel walking down the street in the most crime-ridden part of a bad city in the middle of the night by yourself, dragging your wallet or purse on a string behind you while heedlessly listening to music on headphones and never looking at your surroundings?

The thing people don't realize about Internet security is that even if you live in a safe, secure small town with no crime, when you go on the Internet there is no real border between the "good neighborhoods" and the "bad neighborhoods", so you need to take a few basic precautions to protect yourself on the Web.

Here are a few suggestions:

1) Make sure you use a good firewall program on your computer; regardless of whether you use a Windows PC or one of Apple's Macs, this is absolutely essential

2) If you have DSL or cable Internet access, get a router and hook it up between your DSL or cable modem and your computer. Not only does a router allow you to share the connection between multiple computers, it also has a firewall built in to it, which adds another layer of valuable protection against threats from the Internet. And yes, this should be *in addition* to the firewall program on your computer

3) If you have a Windows PC, make sure you have a good antivirus program such as Kaspersky antivirus, that is still activated and up-to-date. Many people have poor quality antivirus programs and it's common for them to have expired after a trial period or the yearly subscription has run out, which means they're no longer protecting you.

Mac users do not at this time need an antivirus program, but this will likely change in the future.

4) Use a strong password, preferably a mix of letters and numbers that is at least 8 characters long, and which is not easy to guess like your name or a pet's name, etc., and don't use the same password for everything.

5) If you post in public forums online, or use a social networking website like Facebook, don't put too much personal information in your profile.

It is extremely common for people to share all kinds of information about themselves on their profile page, including birth date, pet names, children's names, address, etc. -- all of which might give a clue to passwords, answers to those "reset your password" security questions that you're asked if you forget your password on a website, and other clues that could be used for identity theft.

Most social networking sites let you set your profile to private, so only people you've added as friends can see what's on the profile. This is also a good idea.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

kids Monitoring Software

With the introduction of internet, kids are now knowledgeable in online research and the use of the so many applications, thus the need for kids monitoring software. Through kids monitoring software parents can scrutinize every message sent and received by their children, as well as the different applications they run on the web.

This is the greatest solution for parents to supervise the online activities of their kids. Devices like this can easily track down the message contents, web activities, and even provide random screen shots.

Through this software, you can be sure that your child is secured when using the computer. Some people disagree to its use because of privacy issues, but its advantages can prevail over this. You can always discuss your plans of installing a software to your family to safeguard them from unwarranted sources. They can also impose rules with the use of the internet which they need to follow.

When parents do not control the use of computer, their kids will freely visit anywhere on the internet. This could start with a simple interest that grows deeper as they access inappropriate materials that can affect their minds and decision making.

Having an open communication with your family regarding the use of monitoring software in your home computer will somehow lead them not to make an effort going on prohibited sites and sources. They will take precaution when using the internet by being aware that their moves are monitored. To guide you more in safeguarding your children from internet predators, take the following into account.

Let them be aware of the potential risks that lurks around the web and advise them to be cautious about these. Do not have a computer unit in any of your kids rooms. It should be positioned in an area where anybody can visibly perceive what the user is accessing to like the living room.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Parental Monitoring Software: Concerned About Where Your Kids Really Are?

Why consider parental monitoring software (or cell phone spyware)? If you're worried about your kids, you don't have to be like the millions of unfortunate parents out there who sit alone and worried at night, wondering if their kids are safe and behaving themselves. With parental monitoring software at your disposal, you'll be able to watch them at a distance without taking away their freedom to explore themselves. Here are a few ways this software can benefit you.

Parental monitoring software is unique in that all you have to do is install in on your teen's phone. It only takes a few moments, and once installed, there's no need to reinstall it or add upgrades. You'll want to create an online account through their website, however, as this is how you will receive your information. Many parents even install it before gifting the phone. Reliable, undetectable, and accurate, it provides you with everything you need to know without your teen ever knowing he or she is being observed.

What sort of things does phone spy software report? A few basics include call history, text history, address book names, and GPS locations. Some even provide camera shots, if the phone has a camera. Either way, you'll be able to know exactly where your teen is and who he or she was with at any given time, day or night. Best of all, you can install parental monitoring software on more than one phone and still receive all of your information in one tidy spot.

For more information on Internet safety for kids and  high quality programs please visit us from our bio links

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Internet Safety For Kids : Kidsguard4u

Now more than ever our children are using the internet for everyday activities such as homework, researching, and even chatting with friends. Children are more comfortable using computers because they have grown up around them.Children also have an inherent need to freely explore, and the internet is the perfect way for them to do so easily from their own home. This leaves them open to become easy targets for manipulative adults with varying motivations. Some online criminals would rather gain access to personal bank accounts, or steal your identity. Others may try to meet your child in real life to try to sexually or physically assault your child.

The internet provides no more safety than meeting a stranger in real life. Because of the false security, many people get scammed for information and they don't even realize. Many parents and teens alike might not want to believe this, but we should consider the facts. One in five children were solicited online in the past year. One in five were exposed to photos or videos of people with graphic sexual content. Things of this nature are also free and easy for a child to download. The numbers themselves are enough to scare anyone, but situations like this are easier to avoid than you might think!

It's important to talk with your children. Let them know what kind of people could be lurking, no matter how nice they might seem. Instruct your kids to limit online conversation to people you already know. If you have a child that wants to "chat" (strongly suggest otherwise), but if they MUST make sure they know what is appropriate conversation.

Never under any circumstance should your child be allowed to give out any personal information such as name, phone number, email, and especially where they live, work, or go to school. Explain to your children disobeying these safety precautions could seriously harm the financial and physical well being of the entire family.

Parents want to think that our teenagers are older and wiser than our pre teens, but in reality they are more likely to get into trouble on the internet. Teens are more likely to venture around websites, exploring limitless information on everything from their favorite singer to downloading movies.

Teenagers are more curious and will take bigger risks than children. They are also more likely to reach out and chat with people from the internet that they don't know personally. Remind your children that people can pretend to be anyone through a computer, so even if they think they know this person, be careful.

Always remember that these are concrete steps that will provide Internet safety for your kids and protect them while they are online and still allow them to get the benefits of using and learning to use the Internet.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Internet Safety For Kids

All around the globe, the Internet and computers have become indispensable. We communicate with friends, search for information, shop online, use online banking to pay our bills and many other things that make our lives easier. However, there are also certain dangers that come with Internet usage. Aside from viruses, the Internet could also pose threats to our children if they are allowed to use it without proper monitoring software.

Parents can take preventive measures to tone down the dangers. But in order to be successful with the implementation of parental control software over the Internet, parents have to be tough. For the sake of your children's well-being, you need to be a parent and not a friend. We are all aware that identity theft, pornography.

A parent needs to know how to deal with computers and the Internet. Knowing how to check the previous websites recently visited, learning how cache is deleted and having the know-how in putting restrictions to unwanted websites are just a few of the skills parents need to have.

Never let your children access the Internet alone in a closed room.

Children may need privacy but hours and hours spent alone in front of the computer could spell trouble and should not be permitted. You would have no way of knowing what is going on behind that door unless you ask them and there's no guarantee that they will tell you everything. You need to encourage your children to talk to you openly about everything under the sun to build their trust and it is a good thing to start while they are still young. Never burst out in anger if your children would have opinions which are different from yours and when they say things that would upset you.

Computers should be placed in a common area.

The best place for the computer that your children are going to use is an open area like the family room. Never place computers in your children's bedrooms. You can set-up a schedule for family members to take turns using the computer. For your children's protection, children should not be allowed to use the computer unsupervised and isolated.

Educate your kids about Internet security.

Children will grow into responsible adults if they are trained at an early age. Teach your children not to provide personal information over the Internet. Make it a point to know the people in your kid's chat list and the ones they usually chat with. You have to instill in their minds that important information like their home address, their present school, the time their parents come home and other information that may pose a threat to their safety should never be given to anybody online.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Internet Safety :Kidsguard4u

Now more than ever our children are using the internet for everyday activities such as homework, researching, and even chatting with friends. Children are more comfortable using computers because they have grown up around them.Children also have an inherent need to freely explore, and the internet is the perfect way for them to do so easily from their own home. This leaves them open to become easy targets for manipulative adults with varying motivations. Some online criminals would rather gain access to personal bank accounts, or steal your identity. Others may try to meet your child in real life to try to sexually or physically assault your child.

The internet provides no more safety than meeting a stranger in real life. Because of the false security, many people get scammed for information and they don't even realize. Many parents and teens alike might not want to believe this, but we should consider the facts. One in five children were solicited online in the past year. One in five were exposed to photos or videos of people with graphic sexual content. Things of this nature are also free and easy for a child to download. The numbers themselves are enough to scare anyone, but situations like this are easier to avoid than you might think!

It's important to talk with your children. Let them know what kind of people could be lurking, no matter how nice they might seem. Instruct your kids to limit online conversation to people you already know. If you have a child that wants to "chat" (strongly suggest otherwise), but if they MUST make sure they know what is appropriate conversation.Never under any circumstance should your child be allowed to give out any personal information such as name, phone number, email, and especially where they live, work, or go to school. Explain to your children disobeying these safety precautions could seriously harm the financial and physical well being of the entire family.

Parents want to think that our teenagers are older and wiser than our pre teens, but in reality they are more likely to get into trouble on the internet. Teens are more likely to venture around websites, exploring limitless information on everything from their favorite singer to downloading movies.Teenagers are more curious and will take bigger risks than children. They are also more likely to reach out and chat with people from the internet that they don't know personally. Remind your children that people can pretend to be anyone through a computer, so even if they think they know this person, be careful.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Internet Safety For Kids - Tips For Parents' Peace of Mind

The newest concern for parents is Internet safety for kids. Children are growing up with information at their fingertips, but many of the places they go on-line are not safe. Chat rooms can expose children to unsavory ideas, and many other websites regularly collect information from children about their parents, their schools, and even their addresses.Unfortunately, this is just the beginning. Pedophiles are attracted to kids's websites too, and regularly try to lure kids into meeting them in real life. There have been many abduction cases that resulted in child molestation and even child pornography.The facts of on-line child abuse are hard to face, but parents can be relieved to know that there are many ways to improve Internet safety for kids. As with all child safety precautions, it is best to work actively with children so they can learn how to navigate the world's traps and tricks when they are on their own.In a perfect world, parents will always be able to monitor what their children see on-line, but of course this is next to impossible. By following the tips below, parents can gain more control of what their children see on the internet, and also rest assured that their kids will know what to do if accosted on-line.

The big picture is to agree on some "house rules" for using the Internet. Even better is to make a pact with them about on-line behavior. Here are some common rules many parents make for kids:

1. Never give your personal information on-line, including real name, address, and school. If any webpage asks for information, check with parents' first.

2. No meeting with people from chat rooms - unless parents' agree. Also, parents' should arrange to go with them to a first meeting.

3. Never send picture of yourself to others.

4. Never download any software with parental permission.

Further protection is to keep the computer in the family room, rather than in the children's bedroom. Or, agree on times when they are allowed to surf the Internet, so they can be monitored from a distance.

Kids want freedom of information, too, despite legitimate parental concerns for their safety. Often it is difficult to monitor them directly, so consider these tactics:

1. Check the Internet history weekly by clicking on preferences for most browsers.

2. Enable parental controls on search results for Google and the other main search engines.

3. Invest in software that tracks Internet history and also bars web pages that may be unsafe.

It is unfortunate that parents have to balance their children's trust with concerns for their safety, so I always recommend that the above tactics are used only as a "last defense."


Friday, July 29, 2011

Teen Internet Safety

ssues of teen internet safety are very important for your teen to understand as he or she naturally becomes more involved in social networking sites and other social habits that are based around internet use. Texting, IM, Facebook, and other electronic methods of communication have quickly replaced traditional dating and socializing. It is important that your teen knows the dangers of internet communication and how to stay safe when using these various mediums of communication. It's also important that you as a parent take an active role in helping keep them safe until they are mature enough to make good choices.

Establish Rules at Home

One of the first things you can do to establish teen internet safety in your home is to set rules with your teen regarding electronic communication. Veto the exchange of addresses and phone numbers on social networking sites and discuss about the importance of communicating only with people he/she knows.

Monitor Computer Use

Parental monitoring is a key part of teen internet safety. Make sure your teen understands that all forms of electronic communications are subject to monitoring. You can and will review the internet sites visited online. Use the history section of your web browser, read text messages on cell phones, review their status updates and their friend list on Facebook, as well any other monitoring you feel is necessary. You can use the parental control features on your internet browser to password protect your browser or to block certain types of websites on your computer.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Teaching Internet Safety To Children

If you are a parent you well know that parenting is easier said than done. To add to this parenting now is considered incomplete without teaching internet safety to children. And in this times of cyber crimes and online threats this is not something you can afford to neglect.Teaching internet safety to children effectively of course means that you have to first get yourself educated, become aware of the latest happenings online especially in regards to online safety for children. If you don't know already, you will be amazed even shocked at what is going on online, the kinds of content which is easily accessible by anyone including children too.

Simply knowing how to operate the computer and access the internet won't do, this is one area where you want to be at least a step ahead of your kid. You have to be able to find out whether they are hiding anything from you. Thankfully it doesn't take much to educate yourself in the areas of computers and internet, resources are within easy reach both offline and online.

Like in parenting, it does help in teaching internet safety to children if you already enjoy an open relationship with your kids. For that matter, if your relationship with your kids is one of trust and reliability, it will be far easier not only getting across your messages to them but anything important you want to share with them. Hence building up a good relationship with your children helps in keeping them safe too although indirectly.

Maybe you already know this, but there has been some unfortunate cases where some kids ended their lives due to extreme tormenting experiences online. Even if not this extreme, we know that experiences of deep hurt during childhood can scar a child for life. The parents of the kids who went through extreme sufferings due to online activities would surely have regretted not having taken the right steps in time to protect their children.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why Use Internet Tracking Software?

It is impossible to imagine our life without the Internet. Indeed, the Internet is a powerful force and it is used in business, education, entertainments etc. At the same time, the Internet can be dangerous, especially for kids. Access to information is unrestricted. Thus, kids may become victims of scammers and even criminals. That is why it is extremely important to make sure your kids visit safe websites with appropriate contents. Use of the Internet monitoring software can be very helpful for parents who care for their kids.The Internet monitoring software can be installed to a PC in an invisible way. Thus, your kids will not even guess that you know what websites they visited. One of the greatest advantages of using such software is the ability to filter sites. Thus, it is an excellent opportunity to make sure your kids will be unable to visit porno web sites or other dangerous web pages. The filter can be adjusted in a variety of ways. The software is user friendly, thus parents with minimal software knowledge will be able to use it.

The Internet monitoring software can be also used in offices. According to the recent surveys, more than 50% of employees use the Internet for their personal purposes. It is not acceptable since such employees will not show their top performance. Besides, the Internet is very interrupting. At the same time, employees might need the Internet to perform their duties. What is the solution? The Internet monitoring software will solve the problem. If employees are aware that they are controlled they are unlikely to upload new pictures to their Facebook profiles. By the way, social networking websites are very popular and addictive. Thus, you can simply adjust the internet monitoring software so that employees are unable to visit, for example, Facebook.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Parental Control Filter Options

In this day and age of untrammeled information explosion, setting parental control filters to regulate children's online activities may be the wisest thing to do. It is laudable to offer children the freedom to explore the vast expanse of knowledge and communicate with others. But safety and security being paramount, parental control filters with time-tested and cutting-edge software are the right way to channel children's curiosity.Children are naturally drawn to anything that not only raises their curiosity but also offers them easy reward. Parents, therefore, have a duty and a responsibility, to guide their kids in their impressionable and formative years in the right direction. For instance, it is essential to emphasize early on the importance of never giving out one's name, phone number, address, social security number, or other private information to strangers online. It is easier said than done, especially when children run into tricksters who are too smart to handle. Of course, there are laws out there. For instance, according to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), any web site that collects information from children under 13 must clearly state the nature of information they're gathering and to what purpose. More often than not, it is mandatory that the web site obtains parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information about a child. Parents may want to read privacy statements in detail before deciding whether to give their consent. But if there is no reason why anyone should waste their time in the first place, there is no better way than to exercise parental control filter options to the fullest extent possible. Parents may want to configure software to allow only approved contacts to prevent children from running into strangers while instant messaging. And it is here that technology can play a major role. Parental control software can block exposure to such websites and inappropriate content for good. Software that can enable parents to monitor, manage, and administer their children's computer use is the key to success.

Parents would need to know how to limit searches, block or allow certain web sites. After all, any filter should be intelligent enough not to block educational content that can enhance a child's intelligence and social awareness. It is essential that parental control filters provide adequate guidelines that could help parents control child's use of online communications safely and intelligently. While setting user accounts, parents can filter any inappropriate, violent games, media players or chat programs by setting up limited user accounts for their kids. Being in full control as administrators, they can easily set web browser security and privacy preferences.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Computer Monitoring Software

If you are seriously interested in understanding computer monitoring, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know computer monitoring.
You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about computer monitoring. But do not be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.With advances in technology today, when it comes to software for monitoring children, whatether parents want - is likely to be available! As the popularity and the need for increased monitoring software, makes the need for a reliable source of information on software, including the various functions that are available to parents today.Parents should keep an eye on their children all day - not only when they do not work. One reason is computer programs, which is gaining popularity because parents cannot physically be at their house to watch a child or teen when they are online. Most parents have jobs and this means that they cannot always be present when their children out of school. Thus, today more and more parents are turning to software tracking than ever!

Keyloggers can also monitor keystrokes, thus, and can actually send you by e-mail so you know, when someone wrote a chosen keyword. It is commonly known as remote access, and it can really help you monitor your children when you are away, and also see what your employees are in place when you can be outside the office or traveler.Looking Up recorder essential services, Internet services and parental oversight of online monitoring, you can access a range of different services that are able to meet all your monitoring needs. A careful examination of the features offered and the cost can help you decide on the most convenient service. Once you've chosen the right product to download online, you just have a few minute for installation and you are on your way to understand precisely what others are when online.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Internet Safety - How to Protect Your Children

Has your child seen any adult images online? You might not think so, but recent studies show that more than half the children who use the Internet have been exposed to indecent material and only one in six parents is aware of it. As a parent, there are some things you can do immediately to stop it.Today, any computer-literate child can view anything, from adult material to graphic videos, online chats, live adult shows, virtual adult parties, user-generated offensive material, and material that is illegal and subject to prosecution. Children are given all this access free of charge as a means to lure them into becoming victims and to get them to reveal information about your family.

There are legitimate sites for children but predators have easy and anonymous access to children online where they can conceal their identity and roam without limit even on legitimate sites. While more and more law enforcement agencies are setting up cyber crime units, for now, it is the responsibility of parents to play cyber cop to protect their children and family.Explain to your children that talking online to strangers is a very bad idea. Be as direct as you can, even to the point of frightening them. Stress that they may be endangering not just themselves but your entire family by exposing details to a predator. Being online is not as anonymous as most people believe. Predators have ways of easily finding out real names and addresses of children they chat with.

Explain to your children, male or female, that child molesters frequent chat rooms on the Internet. If you are not familiar with chat rooms, it is time that you investigated what they are and how they work. If your children have access to the Internet, they have access to chat rooms. Child molesters pose as children or "confidants" trying to develop friendships with unsuspecting children. Child molesters lure their victims with promises of friendship and material goods. Many adolescent Internet users look for anonymous friends, someone they believe they can safely chat with while their unsuspecting parents are not present. And, too often, it works!

If you are not computer savvy, ask your children to show you how it's done or take some night classes. Do not just watch your kids surf or just talk to your kids about what they are seeing or doing online. Get involved. This will help everyone, including you, understand better what is going on.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Internet Safety - Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

As a parent, there is a responsibility to keep your child safe. While they use the internet, there are some potential dangers to be aware of. Part of good parenting is being sure that your child is safely using the internet and not being put into any danger. It's also important they do not run into any content that might be disturbing.First, you need to know where they are going. Most people use one browser and the history is shared. If you find a page that you may not approve of, you have no idea which kid or adult in the house was on that page. Some browsers like Firefox have profiles where each user gets their own settings and history. This would be an easy way of knowing who is going to what pages and being exposed to what content. If you have an idea of where the kids are going, you can know what steps are needed to take to ensure their internet  safety.

If you are concerned about the content that kids see, there are programs that help filter the internet. This would help stop most of the pornographic, adult only, and violent images that you wouldn't want your child being exposed to. There are even Firefox add-ons that can filter words. A parent can take a series of swear words, for example, and make them show up on the screen differently or not at all.

Be careful about who they chat with online. Generally it's best if they only chat with people they know in person. If they do use a chat client like Yahoo or MSN consider using a username that does not give away who they are and don't put in their personal information when signing up for the account. If they are using social networking sites, use the privacy option. This means that only approved friends can actually view the profile. This gives the child a way of still being part of the social network without many of the issues involved.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Some Internet Safety for Kids Age 5-7 Years Old

Kids from 5 to 7 years old are very dependent on what their parents or older people tell them. They don't question people's authority although they are curious on finding out the "whys?" of everything. They are trusting and interpret the world as they see it.

Internet threats to Kids Age 5-7 Years Old

Kids from 5 to 7 years old have knowledge on the basic operations of the computer like manipulating the mouse, using the keyboard and turning the computer on and off. However, the internet may be complicated to them so they are very dependent on adults to find web sites and explain the information given online. They have little capacity to use the internet alone.Since they can't discern what is real from fictional, they are vulnerable to believing everything they see online as true. They can accidentally enter websites that aren't proper to their age. They may not exactly understand the text from websites, but they clearly understand the violent images. Since they are trusting in older people, they can easily be persuaded to provide personal information through instant messaging, surveys, or similar forms.

These vulnerabilities should be protected at all times. Here are the things you should do to ensure the internet  safety of your kids while using the internet:

•Never leave your kids alone in front of the computer. Always sit with them whenever they use the internet.

•Have a list of friendly websites saved on your personal bookmark so that you can easily access his favorite sites. Teach your kids how to direct the mouse to it.

•Enable the security settings of search engines.

•Keep the internet-connected computer where you can see it.

•Use filtering devices such as firewalls or setup a security system wherein the forbidden sites can't be opened (intentionally or accidentally).


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The State of Kids Internet Safety

The internet has everything! But does your child need to see it. Online parental control is becoming more important as our kids become more tech savvy. In most cases, children are more computer literate than their parents. This makes monitoring their surfing activity extremely difficult. Kids internet safety is becoming one the most important tech topics in the industry. This is direct response to the increase in child exploitation on the internet. According to recent studies, 76% child exploitation victims met their offenders via social networking primarily chat rooms. In addition, cases of online bullying by classmates have risen exponentially over the years.

There are around 77 million kids using the internet. However, most parents are not taking the steps to teach effective online safety for kids. Both the FBI and FEMA have provided parents with an online set of online safety rules to educate their children. However, most kids and adults ignored these safety rules. Schools have also begun teaching online safety for kids. Is this really enough to protect your children? Like all parental decision the answer can't be a simple yes or no.

The illicit and illegal has always attracted our children. The internet gives that perfect medium to act out that desire. No matter how much education provided, the temptation remains for kids to break online safety rules. Having the uninhibited access to the World Wide Web at their finger tips is a desire that most kids can't bear.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Using Parental Controls

Parental controls allow you, as a parent or guardian to be able to control the computer in which your child or younger adult is using. You know the importance of doing so. Online predators are out there and they are readily stalking even the youngest of children that venture onto the internet. Using parental controls allows you to keep control of your situation so that you can make decisions for your child that will ultimately help them manage what happens online.

What Can Be Done?

Each internet service provider have their own different set of parental controls that you can use. First thing that you will need to do is to find out what types of software are being offered to you through your provider. If you do find that these parental controls are not enough to really protect your child, you can find others available to you to buy. Before you make that investment, keep in mind that some internet service providers do provide this, or at least some parental controls, with their service to you.

There are various options that you can use. Here are some of the services that are available.

- Monitor who can send your child email.

- Monitor who your child can send emails to, as well.

- Determine who can send messages to your child or who your child can chat with in chat rooms. Limit them by name or age, or just allow certain ones.

- Monitor the time that they are online. Set a timer for each visit as to how much time they could be online every time they are available onto the web.

- Determine which websites your child can go to as well as what type of website it is. Some limit the child to only those websites that are approved by you.

There are more services that you can use when it comes to parental controls. There is no doubt that you'll manage to find the right type of control for your needs either with your current internet service provider or with additional software that you purchase. The goal here is to find the product that provides you the overall best solution and protection for your child. This isn't the type of thing that you need to put aside and do later.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Internet Safety Month promotes danger awareness

A June awareness campaign—known as National Internet Safety Month—was created to educate parents and children on the importance of using caution when going online and help the reported one in three teens who have experienced online harassment."I don't think a lot of kids realize that in going on there... how easy it could be to pick you out," said Holly Quist, a public health educator for the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department.

She said what is most worrying is that many people believe that private information is just a phone number or address, but posting the time and place of a sports practice after school can be just as dangerous to put on the web.

"Some parents are afraid to talk about the dangers out there because they don't want to scare their kids, but at the same time if you do talk to them they are less likely to fall victim to what's out there," Quist said.

It is much easier than many people believe to find information about others online, and in addition to online predators, cyber bullying and sexting are also very big dangers for kids and teenagers today, Quist said.

"Kids think because it's not face to face it doesn't hurt and isn't the same," she said.

Because there are so many ways that kids can get into trouble online, Quist said that it is important for parents to monitor their children's web usage, especially social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook.

"I think (for kids) under 18, as a parent you can do as much as you want. More than likely, they are the one paying for the bill," she said.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Parents Should Be Involved In Kids Online Activities

Online tools such as web filtering software and web monitoring software can't replace the actual presence of parents when it comes to ensuring the kids total safety while using the internet. Thus, the active role you can provide to your kids will ensure that they use the internet properly and stay on good sites.

Here are the things you can do to keep your presence with your kids:

1.Sit with your kids while they use the internet. Not only will this ensure that the sites they visit are safe, it also helps them to respond properly when they encounter online bullies, online predators, and inappropriate websites.

2.Be computer and internet literate. Know how to navigate the computer properly. Learn the basics and advance techniques on web security. Learn how web browsers and search engines work especially the way to enable the security settings. The point is, you should know more on how to operate the computer and internet than your kids.

3.Learn the chat lingo. Abbreviations such as brb (be right back), lol (laugh out loud), and btw (by the way) are some of the more common terms used in online chatting. There are more. Make sure you learn them so you understand what your kids are typing.

4.Create a family email account. If your kids are still too young to handle their own email account, create one for your family. This way, you can monitor the mail they receive and scan if the mail is safe or not.

5.Be open. Keep the communication open between you and your kids. Encourage your kids to share with you're their online experiences. This will also help them to easily open up to you if they encounter any problems while you are away.

6.Help your kids bookmark their favorite accounts for easy access in the future.

7.Set rules that you both agree to. Set a corresponding consequence if any of these rules aren't followed.

8.Teach your kids the online safety rules. This includes not giving personal information to strangers, not to accept gifts, not to meet personally people they only met online, not to open sites, the right time to use the computer, and the proper way to treat others online.

9.Always be there for your kids whenever they need your help. Take them seriously and respond immediately if they report something to you.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Parental Control Software - Stop Ads Pop Outs and Remove Dangerous Internet Content

If you have children who love to go online and play games or chat with friends, then you have a need for web content parental control software. Most parents are concerned with what their children are viewing online, but they feel they have no control over this. There is so much danger and harmful content on the internet today, that you can't afford to take that attitude! There is something that you can actually do to control what your children are viewing when they get on the internet. Web content parental control software takes the control away from those who are placing negative content on the web and places it in the hands of parents just like you.

So, what is web content parental control software? This may sound like a big long term, but it simply refers to unique computer software which monitors the content being displayed on your computer. It is designed to allow parents to filter out specific types of content which they deem inappropriate for their children. Not only are parents using this software for family computers used by the entire household, but they are also downloading web content parent control software to personal computers and laptops used by older children in the home. No child is ever too old to be protected from the dangerous internet adult natured content.

Now, the big question is where do you find web content parental control software, right? This is the next question most parents ask after finding out that there is some protection for their children available today. You can find the software easily over the internet, with the best software packages being instantly downloadable into your computer.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Internet Safety Rules : Kidsguard4u

inappropriate content, pornography or violent images is a major concern when this information can be just one click away with a mouse.There are many options available to provide parental control over Internet content that can be made available to your children. We will start with the basics. Depending on the Internet service provider (ISP) you use, most will supply you with a free security suite that comes with your monthly subscription. This will allow you to filter out most inappropriate content online and some offer filtering by age level. Your best bet would be to contact your ISP for availability.

Internet browsers like Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla's Firefox browser can also be configured to block content for kids. Internet Explorers parental controls can be found under the tools section of the toolbar in the upper right corner of the browser. By selecting the content tab you can choose from a list of content categories that you might not wish your child to see.

In Firefox you can use add on extensions from the tools section of the toolbar to find content blocking applications. You can search for these add ons from the toolbar which will open up Mozilla's extension web page. These must be installed to your Firefox browser and then you have to restart your browser to activate them. Just search for parental controls from the add ons web page. Some good add ons include, Glubble for families, ProCon, LeechBlock and FoxFilter. Leechblock will allow you to set a time limit for your child's web usage.

For a very high level of child safety content filtering, third party software is available for a monthly subscription or one time cost. These programs will not only block most objectionable content but can also alert you to your child's activity online, provide you with weekly reports on surfing habits and can offer services to help you find the best ways to remove objectionable content. Software is also available to work with iPads and iPhones as well as computers. These programs can be used by families, businesses and churches to provide additional protection. For more information on Internet safety for kids and these high quality programs please visit us from our bio links below.

Jon Angel is a parent that actively promotes Internet safety rules to help other parents and kids stay safe online. Providing Internet safety tips for teens on the possible dangers online to help promote a better Internet experience.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Internet safety program for parents Monday in Randolph

A program for parents on Internet safety will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday in the Randolph High School auditorium, 70 Memorial Parkway.The program is sponsored by the Randolph School Department, the Randolph police and the Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council.

“Our hope is to arm parents and guardians with the necessary knowledge to protect their children,” said Randolph police Detective Gabriel Pantazelos, the school resource officer at Randolph High School.

The presentation will include information on cyberbullying, personal safety and online predators. Materials will include essential tools for parents to reduce the chance of being victimized while using the Internet.

Online communication, social networking and online resources will be among the other topics.

There will be a question-and-answer period.The program is free and open to all adults.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Using Spy Software To Monitor Children : kidsguard4u

The growth of technology is quite tremendous with release of new products everyday into the marketplace. There are different types of programs available and there may be few parents who are interested in such programs.Most of the programs are filled with promising features and would attract everyone. Initially you can start by searching the methods for spy work on your kid's computer in any of the popular search engines.You can search about the different available programs online to know about each program in detail. This will provide different tips that are useful for monitoring the activities of your children without giving any signal to them about the monitoring program.Most of the programs come in a ready to install package that helps you to install the software on your computer thereby allowing you to check the written and accessed content in their computers.

You can even monitor the different websites they surf on the internet using the special programs. You may find out the complete browsing history regarding the websites that were accessed in your absence.These programs are quite useful in understanding the mentality of your children and the issues faced by them. It would help in understanding several problems associated with them and having difficulty to discuss with parents.

By using this spy software, you are easily getting into their world to understand their problems in full depth. You may find it unbelievable to find their thoughts to be broad and unexpected and this method would be a great topic starter to discuss about their issues.If you find any search results about the use of drugs and related habits, you can discuss about it during your free time to make them understand about the negative aspects of such drugs. You have to handle these issues with ample care without leaving any chances of doubt about the monitoring program.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 Steps to Internet Safety For Kids

While the Internet has certainly brought a wealth of information, convenience and has a made the world a much smaller place, the Internet has its liabilities and especially so for children, teens and all minors. The responsibility of protecting children from online dangers lies with parents. There are several steps you can take to provide Internet safety for kids.One solution, which some parents choose, is to completely restrict their children from using the Internet. This solution while keeping your children safe is not always the best option. One, the Internet is here to stay, it is an important part of everyday life, and its use is a skill that is often required by schools and in the work place. Also, if you just tell your kids that they cannot have or use the Internet then you eliminate the opportunity to teach them how to use it safely. So, if they do use it when they are away from you, (which believe me does happen, even with the best of kids) at a friends house or school then they will not have the tools they need to stay safe. Having talks and discussions with children about the risks is very important, and as a parent you should set certain limits and keep the conversation open in regards to Internet safety.

5 Steps to Internet Safety for Kids:

1. Have a conversation with your kids. Explain to them, in as much detail as their age will allow some of the dangers that exist online. For example, that strangers in chat rooms, are just that, strangers. That they should never agree to meet anyone, give out their phone numbers, personal information like address etc. The same conversation that you had with them about not talking to strangers applies even more so when online, so use that and extend it further. Remember that most of these steps will only apply to computers you have at home. When your children are away from you they will have access to other computers and that is when those conversations will be the guidance that ensures their safety.

2. There is software available, which can help to protect your children from any content that is not appropriate for them.

3. All web browsers allow for parental control settings. You can make personalized adjustments from the browser to set limits that you desire and to insure your child's safety.

4. You can increase children's safety by creating Limited User Accounts for your children from your Administrative Account. This restricts children from changing system settings, installing any new software which includes chat programs, games, etc. You can see the help section of your Operating System for detailed instructions on how to create User Accounts. This is a simple process and the instructions are step by step.

5. Be active and be a snoop. Yes a snoop, keep track of the websites that your kids are surfing. You can view all websites that they visited in the History List or Cookies from the web browser. You can even see the email addresses, correspondence and downloaded files. If you see something inappropriate or dangerous take the necessary parental actions. Sometimes we want to be our children's friend but we have to always be parents first.

Always remember that these are concrete steps that will provide Internet safety for kids and protect them while they are online and still allow them to get the benefits of using and learning to use the Internet.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Internet Safety Tips For Kids

The Internet is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies. Now, a lot of parents have a false sense of security regarding Internet use because they view the computer as a safe educational tool. They believe that because their children are at home, and often in their own rooms, they are safe from harm. However, this is not always the case. The Internet may become the means through which some people can harm your children. Here, then, are some Internet safety tips for kids.

Number one: Always tell your parents or guardian if you see something online that you know is wrong or that makes you feel uncomfortable. Similarly, inform your parents if someone on the Internet harasses you or threatens you. Moreover, do not respond to any messages or bulletin boards that are mean, sexually obscene, threatening, or make you feel uncomfortable in any way.

Number two: Never arrange to meet someone you've met online in person unless you discuss it with your parents and an adult goes with you. Number three: Do not open an email from someone you do not know as you may download viruses or it may have contents that can upset you. Also, many chain emails or emails with virus warnings are hoaxes. Before you forward virus warnings to your friends and family, check that it is not a hoax.

Number four: Choose a gender-neutral online name in a chat room to avoid harassment. Number five: Talk with your parents about rules for going online. Decide upon the time of day that you can be online, the length of time you can be online, and appropriate sites for you to visit.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Parents Monitoring Software - Monitoring Your Kids Computers

Something to consider for your home computer is parent monitoring software. This kind of software program can give you insight into all activities that are being conducted on your home computer. The best part about parent monitoring software is that you do not need to be in the room or even at home. All activities are recorded in one central log for you to view at your convenience. This means that every email sent and received, every chat log, every website visited, is all captured in the log.Hopefully, you are starting to understand just how powerful parent monitoring software can be and how it can help you to keep a watchful eye on your children. Now your children may use the computer and you do not have to stand behind them while they access the web or do other things on your computer. It is all recorded in one convenient place and you can look at it at any time.

You should have a talk with your children about internet safety if they are going to be accessing the web. This is important because there are many predators who lie in wait online so that they can find their next victim. Predators can pose as anyone they feel that your child would like. That is why they love to use the internet for this type of activity. Your children will be fully unaware of just how dangerous the situation really .
If you use a monitoring program, you will know right away if there is anything that you need to be concerned about. Better yet, you will be able to take action, if needed, to deal with the problem before it gets out of control. Children need our protection both in the real world an in the virtual world, so a monitoring program can take the guesswork out of doing this important job.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kidsguard4u : Internet Safety

With Internet usage growing all the time internet safety has become an important issue. There are those who look to take advantage of the internet for criminal activity. There are many things that internet users need to look out for, among them the possibility of identity theft and fraud, viruses and unsafe emails.Identity theft has been an issue off-line for a long time but it is now just as much of an issue, if not more so, online. A good example of internet identity theft is someone gaining your bank details and using them to purchase goods or services online. Some attempt to use other people's details to open bank accounts or credit card accounts. This allows them to spend using a credit card that is then billed to the person whose details it was set up with. So if this happens to you it could ultimately lead to you being in debt. There are even examples of people getting mortgages using such techniques. It is therefore always important to be careful with where you submit your information to. Never submit your personal information or bank details to a website you are suspicious of.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

The Internet is an amazing tool that people rely upon more and more as time goes by.As computer use become more widespread it is often advantageous for parents to give their kids access as soon as possible because the internet will certainly form a big part of their later lives.Unfortunately, however, children also tend to be the group of internet users who are most at risk.Therefore it is important that you know how to keep them safe from harm.There are several ways in which you can keep your children protected on the net.The key, I believe, is to educate kids from an early age so that they can spot the dangers themselves.

You should let them know that even fun sites, such as chat rooms, can be dangerous due to the fact that some people aren't who they say they are and are, in fact, after contact details or pictures.Your kids should also be aware that social media sites are social rather than private - if they use them then they need to be really careful about what sort of information they reveal about themselves.

Personal info, such as phone numbers and addresses, should never be revealed on the internet because just about anyone could then find those details.There are many tools that you can use that will allow your children to surf the web whilst remaining clear of danger though.
For younger kids there are child-safe browsers that only allow them to view filtered content.

Remember though that such browsers are not a substitute for proper parenting and supervision which is essential in my opinion, especially when you consider the fact that certain undesirable sections of the community will try to hack such software so that they can get to the kids behind those programs.If your children are older then you can but various types of logging software which can be used to find out what they have been doing, maybe even exactly what they have typed.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Know how to Select the Best Activity Monitor Software

Many people are becoming aware of the benefits of using activity-monitoring software in their systems. This type of software plays an important role in ensuring the right protection for your system. Apart from the malicious websites, which are ready to install harmful viruses as well as spyware programs that can endanger your system, you may also loose the important data and files from your system without a proper protection. All your chat rooms, family contacts, relationships will be under threat. Therefore, it is very important to have the right activity monitor software in your system. This software is also called as remote monitoring or spy software.

When you are using good software for monitoring, you will be able to record all the internet activities, chat room conversations, keystrokes as well as downloads within in minutes. It does not matter whether you are planning to install these software in your home or office, you will be provided with an updates of the activities and programs happening in the system. There are also computer monitoring software programs that will even provide you the data as well as information that are collected in the report format. Apart from this, there are also many advanced software programs that will allow you to view the screen in real time. As there are different types of monitoring software available in the market, it is very important to consider few important aspects that will help you to select the right activity monitoring software.

Below listed are some of the important things you have to look for when selecting good activity monitor software:

Types of activity recording options:

When you are looking for a software programs, it is very important to select the one that can provide you the captured version of all the commonly used programs. It should be capable of storing activities such as mailing, chatting, surfing etc. This software will also help you to protect your children from mishaps, as you will be able to view their social network usages as well as instant message conversations. Moreover, you will be able to monitor children within a short time with the help of these software. A lot of people, who are looking for an option to ensure internet safety for kids, are taking advantage of these software applications. Monitoring software can also help the bosses, who are looking for an option to catch the employees who go for chatting and web usage more than the limited time.


Monday, May 16, 2011

How to Teach Internet Safety to Your Kids

When it comes to your family nothing is more important than protecting them, especially when it comes to your children. The internet can be a great tool, and provides you with a wealth of information, but it can also provide negative and harmful information as well. It is comforting to know that you can purchase internet safety software so that you can monitor the websites and information that your family members and children view, and protect them from inappropriate language or images that they might encounter.

There is an abundance of options for internet safety software available for Windows and Macintosh programs today. These programs can filter everything from websites to videos, email, and can allow you to set up limitations on what your children and family can use the internet for. In addition, it will prevent your children from playing games when they should be doing their homework, and you can register which websites or keywords that you prefer they not access.

It will allow you to block websites by category which makes it easy to use, and you can pick the search engines that you want everyone to use. You can also filter any videos your family can access on YouTube and through programs like Media player. Depending on which system you use, whether Windows or Macintosh, you will learn that you may be able to block unsavory media through applications like iTunes as well.

With the fray of social networking, everyone is jumping onto Facebook, but it can be used negatively by scam artists and pick-up artists alike. As a parent, you will be able to monitor when any sensitive information is posted and block particular social network sites. Facebook isn't the only site out there, so you might want to do some research before you set up your software to be sure it has you covered on all sites.

Internet safety software doesn't just allow you to check-up on gaming activity, websites and social networks, but it also allows you to keep track of other things. You will be able to monitor your family's email contacts, instant messaging programs, internet chat, and the dates and times in which they were on the computer and engaged in these programs and applications. The internet safety programs also allow you to get reports sent to your personal email when someone is trying to access inappropriate information, so that you can keep tabs on what is happening when you are not around.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Internet Safety Dangers - 3 Chilling FBI Points on Child Safety Online

Are you concerned about internet safety dangers? In this article I am going to talk to you about 3 chilling FBI points on child safety online.When I was a kid the internet in homes was just beginning to become a reality to just about everyone. Today the internet is the number one interest of many of our children. The dangers on the internet continue to escalate.Since so many kids are becoming internet victims to various dangers the FBI released some statistics that would get people to wake up. Allow us now to look at 3 chilling FBI points on child safety online.Pornographic material is a huge problem for parents. It's a widely known fact that 1.8 billion adult sites can be accessed by kids without any problem at all. Even if kids are not looking for pornographic images or videos 25% of kids are have seen these types of images. Some of the images can be quite disturbing and may shape a child's view of sex in the wrong way.


At any time, when you wake up, when you go to bed, when your child is trying to find a new friend in a chat room, there are 5 million pedophiles online looking for their next victim. 75% of our children may even share their private information with people that they do not know online.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is a big problem. Even if our kids don't tell us what is going on 33% of them have had to deal with some form of cyber bullying while trying to enjoy their online experience. Having to go through this may leave them depressed. Some kids get depressed enough to either hurt themselves or commit suicide.


You do not have to stand by and let your kids but used and abused. There are things that you can do to make a difference and possibly save their life or a life of a close friend of theirs.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

7.5 million Facebook users are under minimum age

A newly published survey by Consumer Reports reveals that millions of Facebook users are actually below the social network’s minimum age limit, reports CNet. According to Facebook’s terms of service, no one under the age of 13 is permitted to have an account. By Consumer Reports’ count, about 7.5 million have slipped beneath the bar.The survey corroborates evidence found in a 2010 study my security firm McAfee, which showed that about 37 percent of 10 to 12 year old are on Facebook. In total, about 20 million Facebook users are under the age of 18.

“Using Facebook presents children and their friends and family with safety, security and privacy risks,” said Consumer Reports in a press statement. “In the past year, the use of Facebook has exposed more than five million online U.S. households to some type of abuse including virus infections, identity theft, and–for a million children–bullying.”In an attempt to preemptively extinguish the inevitable fires of outrage from parents, Facebook said before the study’s release that “recent reports have highlighted just how difficult it is to implement age restrictions on the Internet and that there is no single solution to ensuring younger children don’t circumvent a system or lie about their age.” The company added that “we appreciate the attention that these reports and other experts are giving this matter and believe this will provide an opportunity for parents, teachers, safety advocates, and Internet services to focus on this area, with the ultimate goal of keeping young people of all ages safe online.”

While critics may accuse Facebook of skirting its responsibility to keep young children off its site, the social network’s recommendations that parents teach their kids which websites are appropriate, and monitor their online activity to ensure they aren’t doing something they shouldn’t echos the findings of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force (ISTTF), which worked with MySpace in 2009 to find out if age verification on websites actually works.According to Larry Magin, who served as a member of the ISTTF, Facebook’s requirement that no one under the age of 13 be allowed to use the site stems from regulations outlined in the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which was enacted in 1998. According to COPPA, websites must receive parental permission before it can allow anyone under age 13 to log in.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Web Monitoring Software for Kids

The Internet is a huge medium, and all kinds of information (both good and not so desirable) can be found just by making a simple search. Some parents are fearful of letting their children spend time on the Internet because of the kind of information that they may come across.This is unfortunate because the Internet offers a wealth of good information - if you know where to look. The goal is not to avoid the use of the Internet. Instead, the advantages of the internet innovations should be accepted by schools and by parents. It's just part of society communication evolution. The challenge has become to manage internet usage by web monitoring.In other words, use technology to help your children embrace the Internet. More savvy parents have learned that by using web monitoring software, they are able to monitor the web activities of their children. This is a practical solution because no parent can ever spend all the time watching over what their kids are doing on the Internet.

If you find anything suspicious from the chat logs, you can immediately take action and block the application or simply remove the application.As for websites, you can setup keyword alerts so that the monitoring software blocks the sites before your children have a chance to surf them. If there are specific websites that you would like to block, simply enter the URLs into the software and the sites will be inaccessible. For instance, you may find that your child is spending too much time on an online game, and you want to block the site. Just enter the URL into the software, and the site is blocked. You can always remove the URL during the school holidays (or after exams) so that your children can enjoy the game again.

Email is another area that parents should monitor. Children are getting more and more savvy these days and they tend to send emails to friends on a daily basis. Sometimes, they even reply to emails that are from complete strangers! This is where the danger lies.Using the web monitoring software, you can easily track these activities from any computer. Simply select the appropriate tab - Instant messenger, email, chat, websites and you can immediately access the relevant information.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Internet Safety For Children

 The subject of children internet safety is a very important one. It is a topic that needs to be addressed to all parents in all homes. A new year has dawned upon us and new changes in the area of technology have taken place. In 2010, what can we as parents do to help ensure children's internet safety?

1. Learn to talk to your children: The simple lack of communication is one of the biggest reasons why children enter websites they are not supposed to or do things online that they are not supposed to be doing. Why? The reason is some children are never given the internet safety talk. Consequently, children end up not knowing that they were not supposed to visit a particular site or that they were not supposed to set up meetings with any strangers. If parents would engage with their children and communicate with them about the dos and don'ts of online browsing child internet safety would become less of a problem.

2. Position your home computer in the right place: Now what I mean by this is that the family computer needs to be in an open space where everyone can see it. If you are a parent make sure that you do not put the home computer in a place like the basement if you hardly visit the basement. Observing this rule of thumb will definitely help internet safety for kids. When children know that they may be caught browsing a website that they should not be on they will be less likely to open it.

3. Create offline activities for your children: Between the T.V. and internet children are becoming batmen and women who stay in a cave all day. The more time kids spend on the internet the more they are likely to access the wrong material or engage in conversations with the wrong people. Try to involve your children in outdoor activities like soccer or basketball to keep the time online at a minimal. Not only will they get some exercise and fresh air this will help protect them from becoming child victims online.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Know About Computer Monitoring Software

Computer monitoring software installed in a computer automatically monitors and records every activity done on the computer secretly. Using this software, you can monitor and record computer activities such as files accessed, websites, chat rooms, instant messages, email, web surfing, program logs, etc. Thus you can record your computer activities to monitor your children, catch a criminal, watch over employees, protect against fraud and learn the truth about someone who uses the computer.There are many computer monitoring software available in the market. They can be used to monitor and record all details of computer and internet activity in your home or office. Some software can be installed directly on your computer, and some allows you to remotely install the software on any computer through email. Once installed, the software secretly monitors and records the computer activities. You can view the monitored reports from anywhere in the world through the Internet.

Some of the benefits of using computer monitoring software are as follows: It offers the complete monitoring and reporting features. It enables to monitor and record all computer activities such as chats and instant messages, email, websites, files accessed, web surfing, program logs, keystrokes, etc. It enables to remotely view the recordings from another PC. It enables to view everything done on the computer in the exact order. The software is simple to use even by computer illiterates.It helps you monitor and protect your children from unsafe use of computer. It helps you monitor computer activities of employees and hence prevent abuse of office computers and office time.
