Friday, October 7, 2011

Internet Safety :Kidsguard4u

Now more than ever our children are using the internet for everyday activities such as homework, researching, and even chatting with friends. Children are more comfortable using computers because they have grown up around them.Children also have an inherent need to freely explore, and the internet is the perfect way for them to do so easily from their own home. This leaves them open to become easy targets for manipulative adults with varying motivations. Some online criminals would rather gain access to personal bank accounts, or steal your identity. Others may try to meet your child in real life to try to sexually or physically assault your child.

The internet provides no more safety than meeting a stranger in real life. Because of the false security, many people get scammed for information and they don't even realize. Many parents and teens alike might not want to believe this, but we should consider the facts. One in five children were solicited online in the past year. One in five were exposed to photos or videos of people with graphic sexual content. Things of this nature are also free and easy for a child to download. The numbers themselves are enough to scare anyone, but situations like this are easier to avoid than you might think!

It's important to talk with your children. Let them know what kind of people could be lurking, no matter how nice they might seem. Instruct your kids to limit online conversation to people you already know. If you have a child that wants to "chat" (strongly suggest otherwise), but if they MUST make sure they know what is appropriate conversation.Never under any circumstance should your child be allowed to give out any personal information such as name, phone number, email, and especially where they live, work, or go to school. Explain to your children disobeying these safety precautions could seriously harm the financial and physical well being of the entire family.

Parents want to think that our teenagers are older and wiser than our pre teens, but in reality they are more likely to get into trouble on the internet. Teens are more likely to venture around websites, exploring limitless information on everything from their favorite singer to downloading movies.Teenagers are more curious and will take bigger risks than children. They are also more likely to reach out and chat with people from the internet that they don't know personally. Remind your children that people can pretend to be anyone through a computer, so even if they think they know this person, be careful.


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